Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Than One Retro-Futural Elitism

Upgraded and elaborated from the Moot:

There is a difference worth noting between the techno-elitists who don't care if majorities are flattened so long as the "superior" minorities with which they happen to identify flourish and prevail, as against the techno-elitists who don't care if majorities are silenced so long as the "superior" minorities with which they happen to identify achieve and stay in control of things -- since they are quite convinced they have all the answers that matter, largely because they are uninterested in or otherwise deaf to most of the questions actually on offer. Superlative technocentricity in especially its eugenic, technocratic, and more insistently transcendentalizing modalities is full of this sociopathic sorry delusory sort of business. Hence, in kernel, the paradoxical tendency of so many would-be futurisms to amount to anti-democratizing retro-futurisms politically.

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