Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Health Care Common Sense Versus the Obfuscations and Fearmongering of the Illness-Profiteers

Notice that it takes less than five minutes to say these things, to make this clear commonsensical case for public healthcare.

President Obama and the good members of the Progressive Caucus should be delivering variations on this presentation every single hour of every single day in as many attention-grabbing settings as possible tap tap tapping away at the catastrophic status quo until it finally gives way.

We must stop wasting our time boggling like fish out of water at corporatist lies and rising to the bait of endlessly "cleverly" debunking them, thereby reiterating the anti-governmental frames on which they depend for their intelligibility and force.

We should reject their falsehoods and their frames outright, dismiss the bad faith of the illness-profiteers's deceptive and deranging discourse, and respond with as many variations on our actual positive case as we can muster.

Putting the indefensible on the defensive is palpably a winning rhetorical strategy we really should try more often, it seems to me.

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