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Saturday, July 17, 2010

This Week's Wireside Chat Puts the Blame Where It Belongs And Makes the Mid-Terms A Discirminating Choice, Not A Chance to Vent Indiscriminately

[T]oo often, the Republican leadership in the United States Senate chooses to filibuster our recovery and obstruct our progress... [A]fter years of championing policies that turned a record surplus into a massive deficit, including a tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, they’ve finally decided to make their stand on the backs of the unemployed. They’ve got no problem spending money on tax breaks for folks at the top who don’t need them and didn’t even ask for them; but they object to helping folks laid off in this recession who really do need help.

This message needs to go on the road, and not be confined to his Wireside Chats.

If this election is a choice between the incompetent and deregulatory policies that created this mess and the comparatively saner and fairer policies of an Administration worker to make things better against the odds (and with a string of hard-won accomplishments to show for its efforts so far), rather than an indiscriminate anti-incumbent expression of discontent in the midst of distress, then Democrats can hold the white-racist greedhead brain-dead christian-talibanist Republicans at bay at mid-term.

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